
Kelly Hopley registered nutritional therapist and functional medicine consultant , media spokesperson and motivational speaker. Educator and Academic, lecturing for the Institute of Optimum Nutrition teaching clinicians integrative nutrition.

Kelly specialises in gut, cardiometabolic, neuroendocrine health and sport’s nutrition and is no stranger to the media, working on E4’s big celebrity detox, featuring regularly on BBC radio and working as featured nutritionist for Hydrate The Nation working alongside Sally Gunnell.

Qualifying in 2007, Kelly has successfully treated thousands of clients with a whole host of conditions using the functional medicine approach. Kelly is proprietor of Incorporating wellness, the Colon Hydrotherapy Academy and RICTAT the fasting growing global colon hydrotherapy association with satellite training locations in Ireland, South Africa and Nigeria.

Kelly has worked with numerous sports people who contacted her to maximise their performance  including boxers, athletes and footballers. Whatever your sport or level, Kelly will work with you to increase your  performance.
Kelly specialises in gut health and sports performance ensuring optimum nutrition and optimum performance in all areas. Kelly is the official nutrition partner for the PDPA darts and is working with the ISKA European champion and Team GB athlete

Media enquiries:

instagram: @IncorporatingWellness & @KellyHopleyNutrion

Photos – click to download

An interview
Wellness strategy for pets
Kelly Hopley
Kelly Hopley
Mansfield and Ashfield business awards

News & Media – click to download



Thank you for considering our holistic wellness clinic. We value our customers and strive to provide the best possible service. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is always here to help and we will work hard to answer your query promptly. You can contact us anytime, and we will do our best to assist you. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you on your journey towards optimal health and wellbeing.


The Health Shop, Station Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, NG19 8AB


+44 7771 688680